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Current Conditions     Date: 7/27/24
70.1°F at 2:30am Rainfall for Today: 0.00 in. Sunrise: 5:56am
Wind: 0 mph ENE Yesterday's Rain: Sunset: 8:12pm
Barometer: 30.00in. Steady Rainfall this Month: 11.84 in. Moonrise: 11:54pm
Humidity: 86% Rainfall this Year: 41.13 in. Moonset: 1:06pm


  Current Today's Low Today's High
Temperature 70.1°F 70.1°F at 2:24am 72.4°F at 12:00am
Heat Index 75.2°F 75.2°F at 2:24am 77.2°F at 12:00am
Wind Chill 70.1°F 70.1°F at 2:24am 72.4°F at 12:00am
Wind Speed 0 mph ENE 0 mph at 12:00am 0 mph at 12:00am
Wind Gust 0 mph 0 mph at 12:00am 0 mph at 12:00am
Dew Point 65.7°F 65.7°F at 2:24am 67.3°F at 12:00am
Humidity 86% 84% at 12:00am 86% at 1:14am
Barometer 30.00 in. Steady 30.00 in. at 1:42am 30.02 in. at 12:00am
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Webcam (Looking South)       

Yesterday's Extremes High Yesterday Low Yesterday
Temperature 85.9ºF at 4:08pm 69.6ºF at 6:06am
Wind 9 mph at 2:16pm 0 mph at 12:00am
Barometer 29.52 in. at 8:43am 29.41 in. at 6:26pm
Humidity 90% at 12:20am 61% at 3:17pm

 Ham Radio Call Sign:  K9RJN
 GMRS Call Sign: WROX518


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